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Glass/Glass module: the true innovation in the sustainable construction field

Innovation and performances in the photovoltaic industry are strategic for each company in the sector.

This is the case of the Italian company Brandoni Solare and his polycrystalline PV modules Aeternum and Glass/Glass.

Thanks to its unique aluminum fixing structure, the Aeternum is the perfect solution for an integrated photovoltaic plant. The frame, applied to the lower side of the module, is specifically designed to create a single flat surface on the whole plant. Dimensions and the tailored processed frame allow a simple and quick installation on the supporting laths.

Glass/Glass is a laminated module glass-EVA-glass, with 36 polycrystalline 3bus bar, cells 6”size (156x156mm). The cells are carefully selected and really high quality. This module is supplied without frame leaving space to architect creativity for the realization of innovative and valuable structures integrated with the surrounding environment. Brandoni Solare’s glass/glass module is a module designed to innovate the sustainable construction field.

More information about the Polycrystalline PV modules of this company (Aeternum, Glass/Glass, Coloured and Hybrid modules) are available in the PV modules session of our database.