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Innergy: new technology for windows and doors

293 ic_innergy_weissInnergy has been presented at the the fensterbau / frontale trade fair 2014 by Inoutic. According to the main experts, Innergy material will opens up completely new window and door design options with its outstanding thermal insulation properties, while simultaneously offering a high level of rigidity.

Innergy is produced using pultrusion technology: continuous glass fibres are impregnated with a duroplastic resin (polyurethane). The material is then pulled through a heated stationary die. The resin undergoes polymerisation and the part is given its final shape.

Through the combination of key characteristic properties, Innergy profiles offer an innovative, new architectural approach, combining the mechanical performance of aluminium with resin’s thermal insulating properties. Thermal conductivity is 400 times lower than in aluminium, but thermal expansion is also four times lower. Therefore, there is no deformation caused by the bimetallic effect. The material is 20 times harder than PVC too and provides a hard-wearing surface finish. The high glass fibre content ensures window and door stability without the need for steel reinforcement.

The 'Innergy balcony door' received the Innovation Award for Architecture + Window Door Façade in 2014.

More information about Innergy prototype can be found in our database (Windows category).